
Here are some of the screenshot notes that we took in class along with some additional insight on each. these are grabbed randomly so i will try and group them together as best i can based on relevance

"replace with" is great for blocking in modular pieces and then giving the scene variation with alternate meshes and pieces

here is our Material layout for the glass windows we made (i told you its random)

Levels are a big one for UDK, this is a great way to break up your scene so multiple people can work on it. It also works great for isolating lights in your scene and switch loading zones

Layers are a good way to set up selection sets that you can hide and unhide while you are working. i will usually have buildings on a layer, lights on a layer, the ground on a layer, effects etc... this way i don't run the risk of grabbing things i don't want to grab while working by hiding or locking a layer

i hope some of these act as a good refresher of what we have done so far in class